Thursday, March 13, 2008

3A 2008 Animal Project

As a culmination activity to our Animal Unit, the students were assigned the task of researching an animal. A report on their animal of interest had to be written the formally presented to their classmates. They had to research their animal's anatomy, diet, life cycle, enemies and how they protect themselves. 3A was enthusiastic right from the start.

Due to the overwhelming amount of information in the internet, it was important for students to learn how to skim and detect credible information for their research. In conjunction with our school librarian, they learned The Big 6 (, a series of steps to guide students through the research process. The students also created posters to highlight their animal facts, create cue cards, rehearse and present their finished products to their classmates and the elementary principal.

Prior to their presentation, the class generated a list of qualities we find in an effectived presentor (volume, eye contact, preparedness and presence) and good audience member (listening,with your eyes, ears and body language). I was then able to create a rubric according to these qualities, which gave the students a better idea of what was expected of them. It was a proud moment to see them do a fabulous job and be supportive with each other. Students gave constructive feedback to each other by giving them 3 stars and a wish. This consists of three positive points about their presentation and one one thing that they can improve on. As audience members, they asked interesting questions and with their comments, made connections to their own lives and the animals being presented.

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